Natural Turn

(International Style Ballroom Dance Step)

The Natural Turn in the International Style Slow Waltz is an essential figure that involves turning to the right. This figure is typically executed over three counts of music, with both the leader and the follower performing complementary steps. The Natural Turn is crucial for navigating around the dance floor and is often combined with other figures to create a flowing and elegant dance routine.

The steps for the leader in an International Style Slow Waltz Natural Turn are as follows:

1. Step forward with the right foot (count 1).

2. Step forward and slightly side with the left foot, beginning the turn to the right (count 2).

3. Close the right foot to the left foot, completing the turn (count 3).

4. Step backward with the left foot (count 1).

5. Step backward and slightly side with the right foot, continuing the turn to the right (count 2).

6. Close the left foot to the right foot, completing the turn (count 3).

The follower's steps are the mirror image of the leader's steps, starting with the left foot moving backward.

While performing the Natural Turn in the International Style Slow Waltz, it is crucial for dancers to maintain a strong frame, good posture, and connection with their partner. The rise and fall technique, which is a characteristic element of the Slow Waltz, should also be incorporated. This involves gradually rising onto the balls of the feet during counts 2 and 3 and lowering smoothly on count 1 of the next bar. This rise and fall create the flowing, graceful movement that is distinctive to the Slow Waltz.