Natural Spin Turn

(International Ballroom Style Step)

The Natural Spin Turn is a popular figure in the International Style Slow Waltz that involves a full turn to the right, followed by a pivot turn, and a step to the side. Here's a breakdown of the Natural Spin Turn for the man (lady's steps are the natural opposite):

1. On count one, the man steps forward with his right foot (lady steps back with her left foot), beginning to turn to the right.

2. On count two, the man steps to the side with his left foot (lady steps to the side with her right foot), continuing to turn to the right.

3. On count three, the man closes his right foot together (Change of Weight) with his left foot (lady closes her left foot together (Change of Weight) with her right foot), completing a quarter turn to the right.

4. On count one of the next measure, the man goes back and pivots on the ball of his left foot, turning to the right (lady goes forward and pivots on the ball of her right foot, also turning to the right).

5. On count two, the man steps forward with his right foot, continuing the turn (lady steps back with her left foot, still turning to the right).

6. On count three, the man steps back with his left foot, completing the turn (lady steps forward with her right foot).

The Natural Spin Turn is a 6-step figure that covers two measures of music. This figure is particularly useful for navigating around corners and changing the direction of movement on the dance floor. The combination of a full turn to the right followed by a pivot turn adds a dynamic and visually appealing element to the Slow Waltz.